Gentenaar Wim Hoste, woonachtig in Dubai, is een ster in landen als Dubai, Korea en China. In eigen land kent niemand hem. De Steenoven wil met de start van het nieuwe seizoen, daar verandering in brengen. In zijn nieuwste show brengt Wim een mix van cinema, theater, musical en live zang. Het script is van… Continue reading Wim Hoste – Don’t you forget about me
Category: Concerts
A theatrical twist to the cinema-going experience is coming to Dubai
‘Don’t You Forget About Me’ is a cinema-meets-concert production put together by Wim Hoste and Alex Broun in Dubai Interaction in most UAE cinemas more often than not involves animated popcorn consumption or poorly-timed texting. But for two nights next week, a Dubai singer will get up and “disrupt” his own romantic movie. Belgian-born crooner Wim… Continue reading A theatrical twist to the cinema-going experience is coming to Dubai
Movie and a live musical concept comes to Dubai
‘Don’t You Forget About Me’ tells love story of a cruise ship singer Music, theatrics and a movie all dolled up into one. That’s what Wim Hoste’s new show ‘Don’t You Forget About Me’, which runs at Vox cinemas Mall of the Emirates on February 6-7, has to offer. This is a love story of… Continue reading Movie and a live musical concept comes to Dubai
International Classical Crooners Show
The International Classical Crooners Show with support of Neuhaus and with following cast and music from around the Globe : Gala Dinner show, Music from Russia, South-Korea, India ,Turkey and Western ( french, english, Spanish and Italian ) Performers from Russia, Belgium, france,South-Korea, India ,Turkey and Philippines. MC from Belgium Team : Guzel Teymour-Ganieva @alena age… Continue reading International Classical Crooners Show
UAE’s Opera-pop’s first concert: blending classical opera with pop
On Wednesday night the UAE-based Opera-Pop Group will be staging their first full-length concert, blending classical opera with pop tracks that the organisers say will appeal to “the young and old”. It’s quite a mash-up: Elvis Presley’s smash hits with arias by the Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli. On Wednesday night the UAE-based Opera-Pop Group will… Continue reading UAE’s Opera-pop’s first concert: blending classical opera with pop